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Haworthia emelyae var. multifolia  M.B. Bayer


说明:这个变种的学名意思是很多叶子的(a multitude of leaves),故而得名。这个白银的变种有着与该种其他品种巨大的差异,曾经认为是一种剑寿(H.mirabilis),南非的M.B.Bayer根据它的花的特征而归属该种,而这个品种的叶面或许具有与白银近似的点状纹路。图上这个植物换盆后正在健康的生长,呈现出良好的状态和特征。

Sources:  Sandkraal (South Africa)

Data: (KA0599) Rather small retused form, only from the population Ladismith,Western Cape. This species looks different from most of the others variety H.emelyea, but narrower sub-erect leaves decorate with scattered translucent flecks at the surface and back.


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