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Haworthia minima var. poellnitziana  (Uitewaal) M.B. Bayer




说明:这个品种具有密集的细小的白色疣点,来自美国亨廷顿植物园(Huntington Botanical Gardens of USA)1985年的收集品种,根据植物园的描述,这个植物具有坚硬的厚实的翠绿的色彩的叶子,而显出与类似品种的不同这棵来自南非的植物已经开始群生了!


Sources: Type locality From W of Swellendam, near Drew, ex ISI-1572

Data: (KA195) "A slender, grey-green-leaved haworthia with yellowish petals. Some variation is apparent in the clones we offer; in some the leaves are light green with white tubercles in others dark green with some greenish tubercles. Rooted offsets of plants collected W.of Swellendam, near Drew, Cape Provance, SA, March 1985"


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